Sunday, May 29, 2011
Facts about Libra Symbol
Libra symbol...or glyph...of Libra is generally considered to be a representation of the Beam of the Balance. However, in ancient times, it was thought to depict the top of the Euphratean Altar.
Of course, the standard image of Libra symbol is that of the scales, indicative of balance, equilibrium and justice...a sign of cosmic reciprocity and cooperation rather than competition.
It is also said to be the Spirit in its material expression, ready to ascend back to its original pristine state...the junction point of the world and that which is beyond.
In some cultures, Libra symbol is said to symbolize the setting Sun as it descends over the horizon and a more lowly description that has been given to this symbol is that of a humpback bridge.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Here Are Notable Libra Men Characteristic
Adjudging Libra men characteristic, I will say; they are
invariably honorable and just in all their dealings. In terms of friendships,
Libra men are attracted by personality and mental gifts rather than by social
positions or the possession of wealth. Still, the temperament of these
individuals can change suddenly from hopefulness to melancholy, such extremes
of mood often coming and going very unexpectedly.
The truth is; inharmonious surroundings can cause
despondency or gloom in lives of Libra men. Quite often, they are unable to
explain their sudden low spirits brought on by nothing more than being out of
harmony with their environments.
Here are other notable Libra men
- Always striving to please those around them, men born of this Sign have an insatiable appetite for flattery, which too often ends in disaster. It will also be necessary for Libra men to learn how to accept criticism, otherwise their sense of justice can become warped and they will argue themselves into accepting wrong as right, particularly when they yield to the wiles of those who would prey upon their sympathy rather than hearkening to the blunt words of true friends.
- The secret fear of Libra men is being alone with themselves. This is a loving Sign whose natives will find a way around any impasse to bring peace and harmony into their lives and the lives of others...and whatever the method of achieving that may be, these are individuals who will mean everything from the bottom of their hearts.
- These are souls who love to talk but, given the inherent value of the ability to explore and investigate all aspects of living, seldom get along well with people whose opinions are fixed.
- The motives of men governed by this Sign are always of the highest caliber, but they will act upon impulse when they deem it to be the correct course of action. Inherently generous, they expect that quality in those around them. Thus, they are inclined to regard the merest slight as a rank injustice, which will cause a rift between themselves and the person or persons otherwise involved.
Looking at Libra men characteristic, I will say; these men's
major negative challenges arise from hypersensitivity and a tendency to become
anxious concerning the welfare of parents, children and close friends. They may
react severely to a display of any form of combativeness and
hostility...possibly going so far as to instantly flee from the presence of the
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
All You Need To Know About Libra Women
Describing Libra women….I will state; Libra women are
vibrant, vivacious and thoroughly captivating. They are the epitome of
diplomacy and tact, in addition to being women who are trusted by their friends.
They are blessed with taste and sense of refinement...but on the negative side,
their love of the good life can lead to laziness and something of a selfish
The truth is; female ruled by Libra possesses a delicate and
rather spiritual appeal. This is usually a rather exotic-looking woman with a
rare and exquisite personality. However, in actuality, she is nowhere near as
fragile as she seems to be.
A fine mental companion, the Libra woman is wise in the ways
of partnership and extremely capable of bringing harmony into a home and family
Here are basic characteristics of Libra women:
- In their hearts, every female governed by Libra truly desires affection above all else, closely followed by sympathy and interest. These are women who are forever seeking the ideal companion.
- When young, Libra women are rather like beautiful flowers, being very lovely to look at. With the advancement of years, however, they often find that life has educated them to high degree…..and are wise, witty, entertaining, tolerant, amusing and wonderfully rewarding persons to know.
- As sweethearts, Libra women are irresistible and as long-term partners, they are intriguing, being both feminine and fun. As mothers, they are not always ones to concentrate on their children, but do radiate warmth and affection that provides them with a sense of security.
- Far from "fluffy" in their thinking, Libra women can be great help to the success of any mate's career. In short, they are attractive, mix well and tend to get along with everyone, being tactful and shrewd.
- Indeed, they are generally willing to devote an abundance of attention into the process of making life beautiful...which frequently includes ignoring some of the harsher realities and avoiding any type of action that could disturb the peace or status quo.
All about Libra Female Needs
Libra female needs are quite simple. She needs attention and
the company of others. If deprived of such companionship, she can sink into a
very real depression and lose her inspiration. This is a people-oriented soul
who enjoys the stimulation of having loved ones and friends as an active part
of her live.
The truth is; Libra female needs affection and love, but she
must believe in her mate and be secure with that mate's character.
Here, compromise is not taken well and this woman will
quickly exit any union if she discovers she has betrayed herself. It has often
been said that the keys to a Libra woman are romance, partnership, commitment,
independence and beauty. To succeed, a potential mate must fulfill all counts
since this female's basic modus operandi is "show me."
In addition, it will be necessary to constantly strive to be
definite and decisive when dealing with Libra female. In short, hardly anything
frustrates her more than to sense a pronounced indecisiveness in her loved
ones. Here are summary of other Libra female needs:
- Libra female needs a partner who is receptive to catering to her whims...running a personal errand, for example, or initiating a project in which both partners can become involved.
- When it comes to long term commitment, Libra female needs an adventurous and intelligent who is preferably fairly well off
- She feels most comfortable and secure in peaceful and harmonious settings, tending to wilt in the midst of negativity and/or turmoil.
- She does not want to be troubled with making decisions on behalf of others. Indeed, she experiences enough difficulty in trying to make up her own minds.
- Basic neatness in personal appearance...and in other areas of life...will be a plus for any potential mate since she is prone to frown upon untidiness in any form.
In essence, Libra female more than any other female of the
Zodiac, needs love for love's sake. She will give up all for love. Consequently,
she can easily become despondent and impatient when matters are not as she
imagined or expected them to be. Nevertheless, this is a generous soul who is
both lovable and kind-hearted.
Monday, May 23, 2011
See Positive and Negative Libra Traits

Here are positive and negative Libra Traits
Positive Libra Traits
- Easygoing
- Sociable
- Peaceable
- Idealistic
- Diplomatic
- Urbane
- Romantic, charming and refined
Negative Libra Traits
- Flirtatious
- Self-indulgent
- Indecisive
- Lazy
- Changeable
- Gullible
- Resentful
- Frivolous and easily influenced by others
Being the middle Air Sign, Libra is expected to be (and is)
a gifted communicator...energetic and ambitious...sometimes generous to a fault
and frequently brimming with inspiration. Here are other notable Libra traits:
- Libra individuals abhor loneliness and are creatures of moods...yet tend to look for companionship rather than more profound affairs. Although the intellect is highly developed, those ruled by this Sign are not necessarily scholarly. Still, a rich imagination endows their lives with the color and pace they desire, even if such is not attained in a realistic sense.
- There is a propensity here for Libra natives to work themselves to the point of exhaustion, often attending to irrelevant details and side-issues instead of the main task in hand, and this will be something that requires careful watching.
- Natives of Libra grow dissatisfied with anything wherein they are disregarded...even if it is to their own best interests. If they are not consulted on a matter, then they consider it unfair play and their high sense of impartiality is offended.
- Although these individuals are frequently imitative in conduct, they are likely to be original in ideas and quite farsighted because of their intuitive qualities. In addition, the inherent love of harmony makes them very fond of music.
- Due to the measureless sympathy of those ruled by this Sign, they love humanity for itself alone. They display the utmost tenderness toward the afflicted and distressed...for the worthy unfortunates, no matter how lowly...and their goodness does not content itself with mere expressions of sympathy.
- Any worthy cause appeals to these natives in such a strong fashion that they will not hesitate to make personal sacrifices in order to be of practical assistance. This tendency also extends to the brutal and inhumane treatment of dumb animals. Indeed, there are probably no kinder-hearted people in the world than those governed by Libra.
Friday, May 20, 2011
All You Need To Know About Libra Talents
Courtesy of the inherent intuition, Libra talents shows its
natives display exceptional skill in any line they wish to pursue. Plans are
usually laid out in meticulous fashion and executed with total indifference
regarding the opinions and suggestions of others since Libra individuals are
willing to assume all responsibility that might arise.
These individuals strive to develop their artistic and
aesthetic socialize, teach, advise, guide and harmonize
By nature, Libra subjects are adverse to any type of work
that will entail getting dirty. Many distinguished poets and writers may be
found under this Sign and they tend to excel in music, dramatics and art. In
addition, they are well-qualified as successful merchandisers and salespersons.
At school, the inherent Libra talents will undoubtedly make
a Libra child excel at art subjects and also very likely to develop a love of
Not particularly technically minded, this little one may
need to be encouraged in mathematics and science and could possibly take
dislike to sports at a very early age on the grounds that getting grubby and
sweaty is not very excuse used by both the boys and the girls of
this Sign.
Nevertheless, there is good intellectual potential in Libra
talents which enhances the natural ability to enjoy the education process and
do quite well at studies. However, the key will be whether or not this child
harbors the desire to succeed.
As a constant seeker of truth, the sense of justice and fair
play attached to those governed by Libra is quite remarkable. They enjoy the
role of leader and will work hard to be worthy of the privilege
As employees,
Libra individuals are efficient, but require a perfect environment in which to
work. If this is not provided, they tend to retreat into a sullen silence and
offer no excuses for inadequate performance. Here, harmony is paramount and
perfect justice is the ideal.
The Libra train of thought runs at breakneck speed when the
destination is a decision, but it seldom goes off the track and in the end, the
correct answer will most likely be found. With a flair for the artistic, Libra
persons bring a calming influence to their places of work. They are valuable
employees, who can get things fixed the first time and keep the well-oiled
machinery running.
As a boss, the
Libra individual is restless and brimming with outgoing activity, yet never
seems to be in a hurry. This is a contradiction that few people can manage with
any degree of success. Here, there is something a fetish for frenzied
action...action which is accomplished with an abundance of easy grace that the
Libra individual almost seems to be standing still.
He or she will frequently seek opinions but there will be a
plethora of motives for the flattering interest in others' ideas. Initially,
those governed by this Sign want to be fair. They are averse to making either
an unjust or unpopular decision.
Another reason is that Libra subjects feel compelled to
gather all the pros and cons of an issue since, without access to all the
available facts, they feel incapable of making a wise assessment. Here, the
viewpoint on money is seldom neutral. The Libra boss will either be the most
miserly one in town or the most generous.
Business meetings are likely to consist of a meal at some
sleek and sophisticated cafe where the courses will be carefully chosen with
the client in mind. Self-reliant, those governed by Libra often find their own
As work colleagues,
Libra natives make perfect conversationalists and there is very little about
which they cannot talk. Indeed, they may talk too much but will compensate by
working hard...and then there is always the Libra charm that can smooth any rough
edges when it comes to possible reprimands about frittering away the time.
All in all, Libra individuals manage to get their work
completed without too much (if any) delay.
Investments likely to make money for Libra individuals include anti-pollution devices, art books and surgical supplies.
Suitable Occupations
for Libra Talents Include:
- Diplomat
- Judge
- Umpire
- Counselor
- Psychologist
- Artist
- Intellectual Projects
- Architect
- Mediator
- Art Dealer
- Landscaper
- Attorney
- Public Service
- All Occupations Related To Beauty, Harmony And Justice
LIBRA TALENTS main web page
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
All about Libra Body Characteristics
Looking at Libra body characteristics, I will say; natives of Libra fall into one of two distinct and different body types. The shorter individuals have well-formed physiques...albeit rather stocky...with full, expressive lips, an open countenance and well-rounded foreheads.
They are also somewhat broad in the area of the temples. The eyes of this shorter native are usually either blue or brown, possessing a sharp and penetrative gaze.
Those who fall into the second category of Libra body characteristics are usually tall and inclined to be slender of build. They have straight and narrow foreheads with dark hair and generally grey or blue eyes. Perceptive faculties are strongly marked in the second type, which enables them to form excellent opinions.
Body characteristics of both sexes of Libra
The bodies of both sexes are customarily of medium height and average build, with a decided tendency toward curviness. There will also be a certain litheness of movement which is best described as graceful. Often, the females of this Sign lean toward a somewhat robust physique rather than the petite, while the males are frequently rather effeminate in appearance and would rarely be considered burly.
The Skin of Libra individuals
The skin of Libra individuals has a healthy glow and the fine, silky texture of the hair...typically of a lighter shade with a tendency toward frequently something to be envied.
The Feature of Libra individuals
The features are usually nicely shaped and the teeth may be pearly. The head is usually round at the top and somewhat long, possibly tapering markedly toward the chin, although the facial bone structure itself will undoubtedly be symmetrical. The lips are customarily finely chiseled. In essence, there is a pleasant roundness to all features.
Voices of Libra individuals
The speaking voice will usually be gentle, soft and melodious...yet, in tone, it can command much attention when necessary...and many Libra natives possess rather good singing voices.
Indeed, the smile of these natives is said to melt
even the coldest of hearts or brighten the most melancholy of moods. It is a
beaming that is brimming with warmth and sincerity. It projects and
transforms the face into a beacon of sunshine, making all those within its
range feel good from head to toe.
They are also somewhat broad in the area of the temples. The eyes of this shorter native are usually either blue or brown, possessing a sharp and penetrative gaze.
Those who fall into the second category of Libra body characteristics are usually tall and inclined to be slender of build. They have straight and narrow foreheads with dark hair and generally grey or blue eyes. Perceptive faculties are strongly marked in the second type, which enables them to form excellent opinions.
Body characteristics of both sexes of Libra
The bodies of both sexes are customarily of medium height and average build, with a decided tendency toward curviness. There will also be a certain litheness of movement which is best described as graceful. Often, the females of this Sign lean toward a somewhat robust physique rather than the petite, while the males are frequently rather effeminate in appearance and would rarely be considered burly.
The Skin of Libra individuals
The skin of Libra individuals has a healthy glow and the fine, silky texture of the hair...typically of a lighter shade with a tendency toward frequently something to be envied.
The Feature of Libra individuals
The features are usually nicely shaped and the teeth may be pearly. The head is usually round at the top and somewhat long, possibly tapering markedly toward the chin, although the facial bone structure itself will undoubtedly be symmetrical. The lips are customarily finely chiseled. In essence, there is a pleasant roundness to all features.
Voices of Libra individuals
The speaking voice will usually be gentle, soft and melodious...yet, in tone, it can command much attention when necessary...and many Libra natives possess rather good singing voices.
Perhaps the most typical Libra body characteristic is the
"Dimple of Venus." Natives of this Sign will often have a couple on
the cheeks or one on the chin. If not apparent in the face, then such dimples
may be found in the knees or even the elbows. On occasion, the dimples do not
appear until the Libra individual smiles and then, this trademark comes shining
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