Showing posts with label Libra Male. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libra Male. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Here are ways of Attracting a Libra Male

Concerning ways of attracting a Libra male, I will say; basic neatness in personal appearance...and in other areas of life...will be a plus for any potential mate since natives of this Sign are prone to frown upon untidiness in any form. In addition, the Libra male is mostly attracted to someone with similar interests who can share experiences.

The fact is; this man's greatest desire is a partner who has a sweet nature and not difficult to get along with. He prefers a partner who is receptive to catering to his whims...running a personal errand, for example, or initiating a project in which both partners can become involved.

It is also of paramount importance that no potential mate be gross or do so would be to run the risk of incurring a rather sharp and noticeable display of disapproval, which may appear very out of character for the normally easy-going subject of Libra. Here are other ways of attracting a Libra male:

  • Develop intense avowal of love and flattery towards him as this will undoubtedly be exceedingly attractive to this man
  • Cultivate the habit of being cheerful and outgoing. Usually, Libra man will be greatly drawn to such a happy-go-lucky character.
  • Exhibit love for arts and beauty. Actually, men governed by Libra prefer partners who can surround them with beauty...lovely objects in good taste, beautiful thoughts, ideas and statements, glorious proposals and projects, for example.
  • Imbibe the culture of fairness and equity. The truth is, this man is very much concerned with concepts of fairness and equality, so any potential mate would be wise to keep this fact in mind and be sure to employ balance, coupled with give-and-take, in any dealings.
  • Share a love of people and culture dear to him. The Libra male is also rather thrilled when a prospective mate likes, approves and gets along well with other persons that the Libra subject holds dear. In fact, any potential partner must always be willing to share her Libra mate with other close ties if the relationship is to survive.

The basic way of attracting a Libra male……and subsequently achieve romantic longevity is to have a great love of socializing and similar intellects. This man need to adore everything about you...from outward appearances to the more important factor of how your mind works.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Here Are Notable Libra Men Characteristic

Adjudging Libra men characteristic, I will say; they are invariably honorable and just in all their dealings. In terms of friendships, Libra men are attracted by personality and mental gifts rather than by social positions or the possession of wealth. Still, the temperament of these individuals can change suddenly from hopefulness to melancholy, such extremes of mood often coming and going very unexpectedly.

The truth is; inharmonious surroundings can cause despondency or gloom in lives of Libra men. Quite often, they are unable to explain their sudden low spirits brought on by nothing more than being out of harmony with their environments.

Here are other notable Libra men characteristic:

  • Always striving to please those around them, men born of this Sign have an insatiable appetite for flattery, which too often ends in disaster. It will also be necessary for Libra men to learn how to accept criticism, otherwise their sense of justice can become warped and they will argue themselves into accepting wrong as right, particularly when they yield to the wiles of those who would prey upon their sympathy rather than hearkening to the blunt words of true friends.
  • The secret fear of Libra men is being alone with themselves. This is a loving Sign whose natives will find a way around any impasse to bring peace and harmony into their lives and the lives of others...and whatever the method of achieving that may be, these are individuals who will mean everything from the bottom of their hearts.
  • These are souls who love to talk but, given the inherent value of the ability to explore and investigate all aspects of living, seldom get along well with people whose opinions are fixed.
  • The motives of men governed by this Sign are always of the highest caliber, but they will act upon impulse when they deem it to be the correct course of action. Inherently generous, they expect that quality in those around them. Thus, they are inclined to regard the merest slight as a rank injustice, which will cause a rift between themselves and the person or persons otherwise involved.

Looking at Libra men characteristic, I will say; these men's major negative challenges arise from hypersensitivity and a tendency to become anxious concerning the welfare of parents, children and close friends. They may react severely to a display of any form of combativeness and hostility...possibly going so far as to instantly flee from the presence of the perpetrator.

Yet another challenge is the propensity toward self-indulgence, which manifests as a compensation mechanism for the failure to obtain that which Libra individuals believe they should possess.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Facts about Libra Man Aries Woman Union

The truth is, Libra man Aries woman combination may be a great match. The warm and passionate Libra man will make a welcoming home for the fiery and impetuous Aries woman...particularly if both partners are on the same cultural and intellectual level. Aries will appreciate the passion and emotion of Libra, but too much of either could bring about destruction.

In short, Libra man Aries woman union is all about balance and if this can be achieved, the relationship could go a very long way. There is much physical attraction here...common to all Zodiac Signs that are opposite in polarity. In addition, the connection between these two is amazing when good and extremely challenging when bad.

Here are positive and negative aspects of Libra Man Aries woman relationships:

Positive Aspects of Libra man Aries Woman Relationships

  • Each is capable of bringing to the relationship what the other is missing and can make for a truly magnificent balance.
  • Within the Zodiac Wheel, Libra and Aries are located directly opposite one another in polarity. Thus, each Sign possesses qualities that the other lacks. This, combined with Libra man's natural desire for harmony, can result in a balanced relationship.
  • The harmony resulting from a combination of Venus and Mars can bring balance between self and other...a wonderful learning experience for both Signs.
  • The charming and cultured Libra partner can teach the brash Aries woman something about style. Libra man prizes harmony in a relationship and will go to great lengths in order to maintain tranquility. In return, the Aries partner will be very decisive and can teach the wavering Libra man how to rely on intuition for answers.
Negative Aspects of Libra Man Aries Woman Relationships

  • Libra is associated with partnerships while Aries is associated with self...and that is not the only difference. Aries is impulsive, excitable and eager to engage in new and exciting ventures. Libra is indecisive, peace-loving and prefers an approach which is calm and smooth.
  • Both partners will want to be in charge, but Aries is liable to use force and, on occasion, intimidation to get what he or she desires, whereas Libra will employ charm and, on occasion, manipulation.
  • Each partner here has much initiative, but is sadly lacking in follow-through abilities. They will tend to start things they are never going to it a job, project or relationship.
  • The impetuous and fast-paced approach to projects employed by Aries may conflict with Libra's more balanced and intellectual approach.

Libra man Aries woman union is likely to be a shaky partnership at best. Thus, compromise is essential to the health of this union.


Positive and Negative Aspect of Libra Man and Aquarius Women Relationships

Considering Libra Man and Aquarius women relationships, I will say; there is a strong intellectual bond that constantly stimulates ideas, to say nothing of communication styles and skills. Again, the ability to work as a team makes it obvious that these two Signs must adopt larger projects in their life together...concern themselves with the greater good.

Indeed, Libra man and Aquarius women union is an exceedingly good combination. Aquarius women have near perfect affinities for Libra man. However, a potential problem may be misunderstandings due to Aquarius women being somewhat unpredictable from time to time.

Here are positive and negative aspects of Libra man and Aquarius women relationships:

Positive Aspects of Libra Man and Aquarius Women Relationships

  • Natives of both Libra and Aquarius are prone to be attracted to unusual individuals, excitement, and an abundance of activities and socializing. Hence, there is a better than even chance here that they will fall head-over-heels in love.
  • Those ruled by Libra can bring a certain balance to any undertaking that almost no other Zodiac Sign is capable of achieving. Together, Libra man and Aquarius women will also have many stimulating intellectual discussions about mutual interests and pursuits.
  • Libra man and Aquarius women work especially well together since they tend not to argue about who will do what...who will take credit and who will work behind the scenes versus out in the spotlight.
  • While there are some aspect of the personalities here that each will find irritating, they will find it easier than most Signs to reach a compromise.
Negative Aspects of Libra Man and Aquarius Women Relationships

In the eyes of Aquarius women, it is possible that they may consider Libra man to be somewhat overly sensitive.

On occasions for no apparent reason, Aquarius women may seek seclusion and refuse to communicate.


The best aspect of Libra male and Aquarius women match is their ability to work as a team. Together, they can learn so much more than either could alone. Their accomplishments, coupled with a love of socializing and new projects, makes for an extremely satisfying...even enviable...relationship and one with a high success rate in terms of longevity.

Facts about Libra Male Cancer Female Compatibility

Considering Libra male Cancer female compatibility, I will say; perhaps more than any other combinations of Zodiac Signs, this pair brings a warmth and sense of stability to those around them. Aesthetics are important to both Taurus male and Cancer female. They also share a love of life's comforts.

The truth is; the best aspect of Libra male Cancer female compatibility is a mutual appreciation of stability and domestic balance. However, Libra male approach to life is essentially based on intellect and he can be somewhat snobbish, exuding a rather superior air. This will not be good for Cancer female, whose approach to life is founded on emotion and who must frequently contend with easily bruised feelings.

Here are positive and negative aspects of Libra male Cancer female compatibility:

Positive Aspects of Libra Male Cancer Female Compatibility

  • Expressions of sentiment and happiness are important to both individuals, who can complement one another in a variety of ways.
  • Cancer female will appreciate Libra male's charm, tact and the calm, cool diplomacy skills associated with this Sign that can tame even the wildest pouting fit Cancer could possibly muster. In turn, Libra male...whose natives adore aesthetic beauty and harmony...will appreciate the Cancer female's nurturing instinct for a comfortable home and the security that comes with it.
  • Libra male can offer the sometimes emotionally impetuous Cancer female some perspective on situations. Cancer individuals need to see the different sides of any given issue or they are apt to make decisions without knowing all the facts. Conversely, Cancer female can help Libra male cure the notorious indecision inherent in those ruled by this Sign.
Negative Aspects of Libra Male Cancer Female Compatibility

  • The relationship between these two may progress more slowly than most other combinations and initially, they may fear that they have little else in common other than their mutual needs for companionship and love of beauty.
  • Cancer female is probably not temperamentally suited to cope with freedom-loving Libra male. This couple could ignore each other for days if they have a serious disagreement.
  • The immense desire of Libra male for attention may bring a period of depression that could create a controversial situation.
  • Libra male does possess a love of justice and fair play...but unfortunately, Cancer female has the tendency to take advantage of such qualities for his or her own use.
  • There will be times when this couple may find it difficult to understand each other and conflicts are sure to arise if Cancer seems too "crabby" or Libra appears too provocative.

Looking at issues concerning Libra male Cancer female compatibility, I will conclude that neither Signs is prone to shy away from combining the powers of emotion and intellect. The more they get to know one another, the better each individual will recognize and respect the positive qualities to be found in the other.

The Truth About Libra Man and Romance

Concerning Libra man and romance, I will say; he adores romance and all of its finest attributes...everything from flowers to poetry to love songs. This man appreciate the accessories that accompany being in love and the state of being in love itself. Indeed, such is often the primary focus in the life of a Libra man.

The fact is; Libra man is generally sensual and passionate in terms of romance. He love luxury and beauty and prefer that such attributes spill over into the arena of intimacy. To him, the physically intimate side of a union is only one part of a fine, subtle, artistic and beautiful commitment.

Here are points to note about Libra man and romance:

  • Libra man is pure romantics and very much "partnership" oriented. He often fail to feel complete unless in a relationship.
  • Libra is the epitome of finesse and grace and men who fall under the jurisdiction of this Sign require companionship, style, clean and harmonious surroundings.
  • Irritability in any form must be avoided around this man. He has little tolerance for an open display of emotions...something he considers to be a character flaw and/or weakness.
  • There is much appreciation here for the arts, literature and music and Libra man is more than willing to spend money in these areas. However, any breach of what he considers good taste will be found offensive since this man is, first and last, a social being.
  • A great lover of animals, it would not be beyond the realm of possibility for this man to come home with a stray dog...and any partner must be prepared to also cherish the pup. Indeed, the Libra man is extremely disturbed by any hint of animal abuse.
  • Above all, this man enjoys fun. Secretly, he is only too conscious of life's tragedies and well aware of the human predicament, but is not one to adopt lost causes or get on a personal soap-box to air his views.
In essence, Libra man will never become a bore. It is unfortunate that the man governed by Libra often seems to initially give a bad impression of himself, but once a person gets to know him, it soon becomes apparent that he is capable of being a very rare individual indeed...a good friend.

Libra man’s romantic style includes

  • Sociable
  • Charming
  • Easy-Going

All You Need To Know About How to Date a Libra Male

Looking at how to date a Libra male, I will say; Libra male tend to process affairs of the heart courtesy of the mind. Thus, the man governed by this Sign tends to enjoy the company of a mate as much as he enjoys the physical closeness of a relationship. Yes….this man need attention and the company of others. If deprived of such companionship, he can sink into a very real depression and lose his inspiration.

More than anything to note on how to date a Libra man, he is a people-oriented soul who enjoy the stimulation of having loved ones and friends as an active part of his life. This can often create a problem when the potential mate feels no more important than the best friend.

Although frequently considered to be high-strung, it is not the nerves of this man that make him what he is, but rather his keen sense of awareness coupled with an intense drive for justice and freedom. In short, the Libra male is far from an easy person to live with.

Here are other important things you need to know about how to date a Libra male:

  • Often hesitant to voice likes and dislikes, it will be important for any mate to coax the Libra male into speaking his mind. Interludes that are rough or coarse will usually be distasteful to this man. The more artistically pleasing and overtly romantic you are, the better.
  • This is an extremely observant soul, especially with regard to those few extra pounds that a mate might have put on over the holiday season. He may not expect his partner to shed those pounds in a day, but he will certainly expect a careful eye to be maintained on the future diet.
  • In addition, men ruled by this Sign are especially pleased when loved ones lend an ear to their problems and then offer suggestions and comments regarding how better decisions might be made. Indeed, decision-making is not always easy for these "in-the-balance" natives.
  • While not being particularly egotistical, the Libra man does tend to relish flattery and will want someone in his corner who appreciates him around the clock.
  • Often described as a "ladies' man," this is something that any mate will have to learn to live with. If a potential partner is inclined to be the least bit jealous, then that individual would be well advised to give this man a wide berth if a broken heart would be avoided.

Adjudging how to date a Libra male, it will be necessary to constantly strive to be definite and decisive when dealing with this man In short, hardly anything frustrates him more than to sense a pronounced indecisiveness in his loved one. Men ruled by this Sign do not want to be troubled with making decisions on behalf of others. Indeed, they experience enough difficulty in trying to make up their own minds.

The Facts about Libra Man in Love

Adjudging Libra man in love…..whether it is being in love with his life, his job or his person, Libra man want to feel the connection of the his world and his mind. In terms of physical intimacy, Libra man prefers the more romantic, tender and extravagant extensions of sexuality. In short, he prefers the "goodies"...the romantic gestures and the love notes left on the nightstand.

Indeed, men who fall under the jurisdiction of Libra set their sights on love from the very beginning. As children, they were probably quick to learn the ways of to be appealing, how to show affection and how to cull affection.

The fact is; to a Libra man, love is an idealized vision, complete with setting, tone and atmosphere. 

Here are various points you have to note about Libra man in love:

  • Being true romantics, love is paramount in the live of a Libra man. Indeed, love is all and everything would be well lost for the sake of love...if only the strength could be found to make such a sacrifice.
  • To the man ruled by Libra, love is a high art. The passions here are overwhelming and this man will rise to magnificent heights in the expressions of his romantic nature. On occasion, he may be tempted to seek an amorous liaison outside the home, but it is usually nothing more than his variety of expression and bears no negative reflection upon his partner.
  • He rarely seeks a separation from his chosen mate unless the conditions of his life become non-adjustable. He has an instinctive distrust of the untried and will employ all his judiciary abilities to guide the domestic routine in satisfaction of his fastidious taste.
In essence, Libra man more than any other men of the Zodiac, is interested in love for love's sake alone. He will give up all for love, or even learn to love because it is to their advantage to do so. However, sometimes this determination to pursue love to the end can result in extreme trouble.

Here are summary of positive and negative aspects of Libra man in love:

Positive Aspects Of Libra Man In Love

  • Demonstrative
  • Affectionate
  • Playful
  • Sensual
  • Gentle
  • Fair
  • Giving
  • Receptive
Negative Aspects Of Libra Man In Love

  • Indecisive
  • Self-Centered
  • Detached
  • Temperamental
  • Envious
  • Dishonest

Understanding The Libra Man

The Libra man is blessed with a lazy charm and is often attractive without being aware of it. There is no doubt that he has taste, is instinctively fastidious. Although he can be balanced on the surface, he is swayed by indecision for a great proportion of his life. He is prone to evade showdowns about most things, if at all possible, and has an aversion to serious quarrels.

That having been said, Libra man is quite likely to cultivate a non-serious argument regarding emotional matters in order to simply relieve tension. This man's greatest desire is a partner who has a sweet nature and who is not difficult to get along with. He makes for a gentle and courteous mate...but one with something of a roving eye.

Inclined to be rather indolent and reluctant to deal with main issues, this man has a tendency to drift, taking the course that life's currents determine for him, rather than "paddle his own canoe."

Always highly intelligent, the Libra male is a student of human nature. He is fond of a joke and able to laugh uproariously at the wisecracks of others. Above all, this man enjoys fun.

Secretly, he is only too conscious of life's tragedies and well aware of the human predicament, but is not one to adopt lost causes or get on a personal soap-box to air his views. In essence, the Libra male will never become a bore. It is unfortunate that the man governed by Libra often seems to initially give a bad impression of himself, but once a person gets to know him, it soon becomes apparent that he is capable of being a very rare individual indeed...a good friend.

With regard to long-term relationships, the Libra man is not always easy to please. The sameness of domesticity is not to his liking, but he is a very passionate soul and a respecter of tradition. Hence, a serious commitment is the reasonable result...and the male governed by Libra is indeed a reasonable individual. In fact, he is a born judge and no other Zodiac Sign can bring order to life with so much wisdom.