In her heart, every female governed by Libra truly desires
affection above all else, closely followed by sympathy and interest.
Yes…it is true that Libra woman needs affection and love,
but she must believe in her mate and be secure with that mate's character.
Here, compromise is not taken well and this woman will quickly exit any union
if she discovers she has betrayed herself.
Now, let’s look at various ways of attracting a Libra woman:
You can attract a Libra woman by Being Romantic
Attracting a Libra woman requires being romantic in your
affairs with her. The fact is women ruled by this Sign adore romance and all of
its finest attributes...everything from flowers to poetry to love songs. They also
appreciates the accessories that accompany being in love and the state of being
in love itself. Libra women want to feel the connection of the heart...to their
world and their mind.
You can also attract a Libra woman by your gracious
and honorable manner
Interludes that are rough and/or coarse will usually be
distasteful to women of this Sign and the more artistically pleasing and
overtly romantic you are the better. Often hesitant to voice likes and dislikes,
it will be important for you to coax the Libra woman into speaking her mind.
Similarly you can attract a Libra woman by your good taste
Women governed by Libra prefer partners who can surround them
with beauty...lovely objects in good taste, beautiful thoughts, ideas and
statements, glorious proposals and projects, for example. To a Libra woman, the
physically intimate side of a union is only one part of a fine, subtle,
artistic and beautiful commitment.
neatness is another sure way of attracting a Libra woman
Basic neatness in personal appearance...and in other areas
of life...will be a plus to attracting a Libra woman since natives of this Sign
are prone to frown upon untidiness in any form.
Having similar
interests will surely attract a Libra woman
She prefers a partner who is receptive to catering to her whims...running a personal errand, for example, or initiating a project in which both partners can become involved.
More On...https://www.allaboutlibra.com/attracting-a-libra-woman
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