Showing posts with label Libra Child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libra Child. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

See All about Libra Girls

Libra girls are usually exceedingly attractive and like to surround themselves with individuals of the same type...both male and female. In plain and simple terms, the young Libra lady cannot stand to be alone. Totally focused on looking good, her hair will always be in the latest style and her fashion sense is second to none.

These are girls who tend to cling to their friends and always socialize in the environment of a crowd...and it will be a happy group since Libra girls insists on harmony at any cost. The willingness to please here may be considered by some as superficial, but the intentions of the girl governed by Libra are always good.

Blessed with an intellectual quality...or maybe because she is averse to aggravating her teacher...she will do well in school and constantly produces work that is quite beautiful to the eye.

Qualities to Encourage about Libra Girls:

  • Diplomacy
  • Charm
  • Sociability
  • Idealism
Qualities to Discourage about Libra Girls:

  • Indecisiveness
  • Gullibility
  • Laziness
  • Self-Indulgence
Suitable Future Careers for Libra Girls:

  • Film Industry
  • Fashion
  • Cosmetology
  • Armed Forces
  • Working With Animals

Sunday, June 26, 2011

See All about Libra Boy

Libra boy is an exceedingly appearance-conscious young fellow. He can always be found in the midst of the "in crowd," so as to ensure he will be seen with all the right people. Something of a "smooth talker," he knows how to say all the right things and will compromise to accommodate others.

Thus, he can at times be perceived as somewhat superficial, to say nothing of lacking in any true emotional or physical fire. The main interest of the boy governed by Libra is to look good and act pleasantly diplomatic, as opposed to behaving like a brute or building up brawn.

This is a young man who excels at spending money and enjoys such things as designer clothes. He will harbor a desire to be accepted at a school that makes him look as good as Ivy League College, for example, where he can prepare himself for future ascendancy into the "old boy" network of his dreams.

How To Handle Libra Boys

  • Being amiable, impulsive and demonstrative, Libra boys can scarcely bring themselves to submit to discipline which is forced upon them, but may be lead by gentle appeals to their reason and understanding.
  • Sensible and careful supervision is very important. When admonished in a kindly fashion, they are quick to realize their and admit their faults...and to fully apologize.
  • Libra boys are talkative and prone toward exaggeration. They need to be patiently taught the importance of making decisions, taking a stand or supporting a conviction without being "wishy-washy" and constantly changing their minds.

  • It is also paramount for Libra boys to learn that charm does not always necessarily work. If this lesson is failed to be learned when young, then Libra boys will grow up attempting to charm their way through life...often at the expense of those around them.
LIBRA BOY main web page

Friday, June 24, 2011

Here are Negative and Positive Traits of a Libra Child

Concerning traits of a Libra child I will say; being basically bright, Libra child is essentially reasonable and able to adapt to any surroundings with relative ease. Being sociable and outgoing, this little one needs friends and hates to be left alone. Charming and attractive, the Libra child is able to get along with people of all ages. However, this can be a very demanding and lazy child who will need to be pushed into action.

Here are positive and negative traits of a Libra child:

Positive Traits of a Libra Child

  • This is a kind and concerned who will often go out of his or her way to help other children.
  • Essentially a caring individual, the Libra child is not destructive by nature. He or she is imaginative and clever...frequently coming up with some truly amazing ideas.
  • The Libra child possesses natural inventiveness and much originality, sometimes resulting in the utterance of the most unexpected thoughts...thoughts which should be listened to with loving attention.
  • Although often regarded as a lazy Sign, this is not altogether a fair statement. While the Libra child dislikes mess and is somewhat "refined" in activities (no mud pies to be made here), he or she does have plenty of physical energy when offered the opportunity to use it in a creative fashion.
  • By nature accommodating and happy, the Libra child wants to be liked.
Negative Traits of a Libra Child

  • It should be noted that children governed by Libra are inclined to bear grudges considerably more than those ruled by other Signs of the Zodiac.
  • The inherent winning ways and laid back style will make this little one popular, but self-esteem is liable to fluctuate and there is also a stubborn streak here.
  • When faced with a problem, little Libra often buries his or her head in the sand, hoping it will go away rather than seeking out help to deal with it.
  • This child also possesses a sense of justice and will probably feel bad if he or she believes any siblings have not been treated fairly. Yet, at the same time, this is a child who will become even more upset if he or she does not get enough attention.
In general, Libra children are quite healthy little souls but there may be trouble throughout life involving the kidneys, so this area of their well-being does need to be carefully watched.

Of course, as this little one grows, the personality will develop, but many childhood traits will develop into similar ones of a more adult nature. There will always be an aversion to being alone, for example, which could result in an "any relationship is better than none" attitude.

As this child matures, it will be important for he or she to make sure that the inherent generosity is being bestowed for the right reasons and not simply to buy affection. A solid routine helps to build a disciplined character in the early years of Libra children and they tend to marry while in their twenties.

LIBRA CHILD main web page