Friday, July 8, 2011

Here are How To Turn On A Libra

How to turn on a Libra centers on basic neatness in personal appearance...and in other areas of life. Most importantly, those ruled by this Sign adore romance and all of its finest attributes...everything from flowers to poetry to love songs. They also appreciates the accessories that accompany being in love and the state of being in love itself.

Here are things you need to know concerning how to turn on a Libra:

  • Native of Libra is generally turned on by the more romantic, tender and extravagant extensions of sexuality. In short, Libra individual prefer the "goodies"...the romantic gestures and the love notes.
  • Subjects of Libra want to feel the connection of your their world and their mind. The greatest desire here is to possess a sweet nature and not difficult to get along with.
  • Person governed by Libra prefers a partner who can surround him/her with beauty...lovely objects in good taste, beautiful thoughts, ideas and statements, glorious proposals and projects, for example.
  • The Libra individual is also rather thrilled when you likes, approves and gets along well with other persons that he/she holds dear.
  • While not being particularly egotistical, the Libra individual does tend to relish flattery and will be turned on by someone who appreciates him/her around the clock.
  • Interludes that are rough or coarse will usually be distasteful to native of this Sign and the more artistically pleasing and overtly romantic, the better.
In essence, how to turn on a Libra…and subsequently achieve romantic longevity is to be romantic and sensitive to his or her feelings. This goes from your outward appearance to the more important factor of how his or her mind works.

Above all, physical attraction is an immensely powerful tool to turn on a Libra.

Here are Positive and Negative aspect of Libra Love Life

Considering Libra love life, I will say; those who fall under the jurisdiction of Libra set their sights on love from the very beginning. As children, they were probably quick to learn the ways of to be appealing, how to show affection and how to cull affection.

…..To Libra, love is an idealized vision, complete with setting, tone and atmosphere….

The fact is; to individual ruled by Libra, love is a high art. The passions here are overwhelming. Libra native will rise to magnificent heights in the expressions of his or her romantic nature. However, sometimes this determination to pursue love to the end can result in extreme trouble.

On occasion, he or she maybe tempted to seek an amorous liaison outside the home, but it is usually nothing more than variety of expression and bears no negative reflection upon the partner.  Here are positive and negative aspects of Libra love life:

Positive Aspect of Libra Love Life


Libra individuals are usually unrestrained in showing love and affection toward somebody they like. They are prone to make sexual overtures at any given moment in any area of the house.


Generally sensual and passionate in terms of romance, to these persons, the physically intimate side of a union is only one part of a fine, subtle, artistic and beautiful commitment. Libra's methods in the romantic arena could very well drive one crazy.


Libra is the peacekeeper of the Zodiac and its natives will weigh all sides and situations equally. They are very much concerned with concepts of fairness and equality, so any potential mate would be wise to keep this fact in mind and be sure to employ balance, coupled with give-and-take, in any dealings.


This is a loving Sign whose natives will find a way around any impasse to bring peace and harmony into their lives and the lives of others...and whatever the method of achieving that may be, these are individuals who will mean everything from the bottom of their hearts.

Negative Aspects of Libra Love Life


Natives of Libra, more than any other subjects of the Zodiac, are interested in love for love's sake alone. Hence, individuals ruled by Libra are not always sincere and believe flirtation to be a civilized art.


These are individuals who possess a temper and when they feel the scales have become overly unequal, they can suddenly and alarmingly explode. This usually takes a partner totally by surprise, since he or she has probably come to see only the gentle and peaceable Libra exterior.


Libra natives often experience difficulties in making hard and fast decisions, which can be frustrating to loved ones since there will be much wavering between this and way and then another.


Below the apparent affection, there is a great deal of selfishness associated with those governed by Libra, often accompanied by a certain degree of shallowness, which is frequently traceable to a lack of attention from family in the formative years.

In general, Libra natives are all around charming individuals who are good-natured even when they do not much feel like being so. They will give up all for love, or even learn to love. 

Here are Personalites of Virgo Libra Cusp

The Virgo Libra cusp combination is also known as the Cusp of Beauty. Natives of this cusp are fatally taken up with the pursuit of an ideal. Attracted to beauty which is physical and sensuous (whether in art objects, nature or people), these individuals are lured by color, shape, form, texture and the intriguing sound of music. These are all "emotional buttons" to the Virgo Libra cusp subject, resulting in creative inspiration.

Extremely sensitive to external stimuli, these souls react strongly to unusual tastes and aromas. They are also easily jarred by disturbing sights and sounds. In short, these natives born on the Cusp of Beauty must create a highly aesthetic environment in which to live and work.

Here are brief personalities of individuals born of Libra Scorpio Cusp:

  • Possess the discriminating and rational traits inherent in Virgo
  • Possess the social traits inherent in Libra
  • Tend to be obsessed with beauty and sensuousness
  • Prone to be very attentive and concerned with details
  • Tend to lack depth in the intuitive and emotional spheres
  • Need to try and not be overly-concerned with outward appearances
  • Need to avoid becoming jaded, trendy or compulsive
  • Need to keep the nervous system under control
As companions, these natives are pure fun. Imaginative and free-spirited with a happy disposition, they bring life to any gathering and win many friends. However, those governed by this cusp combination also harbor an emotional dark side with which their acquaintances and partners will be obliged to cope.

The inherent artistic talent of Virgo Libra cusp combination is manifested in many ways. Indeed, some very famous and successful designers of ladies' wearing apparel have been natives of the Virgo Libra blend, as well as capable and competent artists in other areas. The arts are of great interest to these natives and they acquire proficiency in such pursuits when they devote their energies in those directions.

The greatest strength of Virgo Libra cuspians is to be found in their attention to detail and their desire to be of service. They pick up on the little things that most others might miss while their drive for peace and harmony, coupled with their ability to obtain balance and cooperation from a disparate group, is unparalleled. Indeed, the skill of these natives to be able to see all sides of a situation makes them one of the most just and fair characters of the Zodiac.

The most important lesson to be learned by Virgo Libra Cusp natives is to strive for balance while curbing the tendency to become fickle and indecisive.

Love Compatibility for Virgo Libra Cusp individuals

As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Capricorn Aquarius Cusp and Aries Taurus Cusp combinations.

Notable Virgo Libra Cuspians Include:

Cardinal Richelieu; Twiggy; Sophia Loren; H.G. Wells; F. Scott Fitzgerald; Anna Karina; and Bruce Springsteen

VIRGO LIBRA CUSP main web page

Monday, July 4, 2011

Facts about Libra Scorpio Cusp

October 21 to October 29

Here are brief personalities of individuals born of Libra Scorpio Cusp:

• Possess the theatrical traits inherent in Libra
• Possess the serious, deep-feeling and critical traits inherent in Scorpio
• Counted among the most critical individuals of the Zodiac
• Possess a facile mind and sharp tongue
• Sought out for honest opinions
• Tend to hold nothing back
• Once committed to a project, will refuse to stop until completion is attained
• Need to learn how to relax and have fun
• Need to concentrate on the future while still living for today

The private life may well include a plethora of love affairs...a path strewn with the broken hears of those with whom they have had relationships. The particular brand of charisma, impulsiveness and mental powers associated with these natives makes them formidable individuals. The truth is; these are individuals who are both mystical and scientific...a combination that results in high awareness of what is truly happening around them.

Capable of extraordinary originality, Libra Scorpio cusp natives are clever in business and quick to seize an opportunity. Not necessarily bothered with any particular scruples, they appear not to hold the truth in the consideration it deserves, often surrounding their affairs with much secrecy and mystery.

The greatest strength of Libra Scorpio cuspians is to be found in their drive for peace and harmony, coupled with a determination to see things through to the end. The natural skill for seeing all sides of a situation, coupled with enormous passion and great strength, makes this combination one of the most powerful characters of the Zodiac.

The most important lesson to be learned by Libra Scorpio cusp natives is to develop their natural ability to think and act promptly since there is a tendency here to delay things or mull them over for so long that it proves to be costly.

Love Compatibility for Libra Scorpio Cusp individuals

As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Taurus Gemini Cusp and Sagittarius Capricorn Cusp combination.

Notable Libra Scorpio Cuspians Include:

Patricia Ireland; Princess Michiko Shoda; Carrie Fisher; Sarah Bernhardt; Pelé; and Pablo Picasso

LIBRA SCORPIO CUSP main web page

Friday, July 1, 2011

Facts about Libra Cusp

Persons born "on the line" between two Zodiac Signs partake of qualities found in both Signs or, more strictly speaking, have a blend of traits that may compose an individual nature. Due to variations in astrological calendars, this may became apparent during the last few days of a departing Sign, but the "cusp" (as it is termed) pertains chiefly to the first week of the incoming Sign.

While the new Sign is gaining its ascendancy, the influences of the old will persist but gradually loses its hold day-by-day until, by the seventh day; the new Sign is in complete control.

Here are two cusps associated to Libra are:

  1. Virgo Libra Cusp for individual born approximately from September 21 to September 29

  1. Libra Scorpio Cusp for individuals born approximately from October 21 to October 29

Brief qualities of Libra Cusp:

Virgo – Libra Cusp                                                                                                                   September 21 to September 29 

Individuals born on the cusp of Virgo and Libra are ruled by both Mercury and Venus. They have a shrewd and analytical nature coupled with sharp perception. In general, it is a fine combination which provides the Libra side of this character the elements most needed.

However, these individuals need to guard against the inherent faults which come with Mercury if they would avoid injury to the softer and more understanding qualities associated with Venus.

Here, the Libra sense of judgment is coupled with a quick talent to size up a situation and back a decision with sound logic. Any trivialities should be avoided as minor issues are prone to worry these cuspians...particularly regarding what others might think or do.

Nonetheless, the logic associated with this cusp will enable its subjects to modify judgment in light of later facts.

Libra – Scorpio Cusp                                                                                                October 21 to October 29

Individuals born on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio are ruled by both Venus and Pluto. Here, the fair judgment of Libra adds intuition to the cool, precise skill of Scorpio. The end result is something quite remarkable...if care is taken in development. Coupled with the inherent Libra craving for excitement is the bold and pleasure-seeking Scorpio mind, which is strong in self-control and determination, standing ready to carry into action whatever seems worthwhile.

However, the ability to turn ideas into accomplishments often produces a marked egotism among these cuspians, which is all the more reason why they should seek higher goals in culture, education and social life.

Whatever is achieved by these individuals, they will cling to with much tenacity and they can easily drift into narrow-mindedness and unscrupulous behavior if not careful. These are souls who are easily flattered, particularly by popular acclaim, and flare into anger toward those who oppose their schemes.

Yet, when intuition and judgment are developed to their fullest extent, these are not only dynamic persons, but ones who are endowed with the rare presence of mind. 

LIBRA CUSP main web page

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

See All about Libra Girls

Libra girls are usually exceedingly attractive and like to surround themselves with individuals of the same type...both male and female. In plain and simple terms, the young Libra lady cannot stand to be alone. Totally focused on looking good, her hair will always be in the latest style and her fashion sense is second to none.

These are girls who tend to cling to their friends and always socialize in the environment of a crowd...and it will be a happy group since Libra girls insists on harmony at any cost. The willingness to please here may be considered by some as superficial, but the intentions of the girl governed by Libra are always good.

Blessed with an intellectual quality...or maybe because she is averse to aggravating her teacher...she will do well in school and constantly produces work that is quite beautiful to the eye.

Qualities to Encourage about Libra Girls:

  • Diplomacy
  • Charm
  • Sociability
  • Idealism
Qualities to Discourage about Libra Girls:

  • Indecisiveness
  • Gullibility
  • Laziness
  • Self-Indulgence
Suitable Future Careers for Libra Girls:

  • Film Industry
  • Fashion
  • Cosmetology
  • Armed Forces
  • Working With Animals

Sunday, June 26, 2011

See All about Libra Boy

Libra boy is an exceedingly appearance-conscious young fellow. He can always be found in the midst of the "in crowd," so as to ensure he will be seen with all the right people. Something of a "smooth talker," he knows how to say all the right things and will compromise to accommodate others.

Thus, he can at times be perceived as somewhat superficial, to say nothing of lacking in any true emotional or physical fire. The main interest of the boy governed by Libra is to look good and act pleasantly diplomatic, as opposed to behaving like a brute or building up brawn.

This is a young man who excels at spending money and enjoys such things as designer clothes. He will harbor a desire to be accepted at a school that makes him look as good as Ivy League College, for example, where he can prepare himself for future ascendancy into the "old boy" network of his dreams.

How To Handle Libra Boys

  • Being amiable, impulsive and demonstrative, Libra boys can scarcely bring themselves to submit to discipline which is forced upon them, but may be lead by gentle appeals to their reason and understanding.
  • Sensible and careful supervision is very important. When admonished in a kindly fashion, they are quick to realize their and admit their faults...and to fully apologize.
  • Libra boys are talkative and prone toward exaggeration. They need to be patiently taught the importance of making decisions, taking a stand or supporting a conviction without being "wishy-washy" and constantly changing their minds.

  • It is also paramount for Libra boys to learn that charm does not always necessarily work. If this lesson is failed to be learned when young, then Libra boys will grow up attempting to charm their way through life...often at the expense of those around them.
LIBRA BOY main web page