Friday, June 24, 2011

Here are Negative and Positive Traits of a Libra Child

Concerning traits of a Libra child I will say; being basically bright, Libra child is essentially reasonable and able to adapt to any surroundings with relative ease. Being sociable and outgoing, this little one needs friends and hates to be left alone. Charming and attractive, the Libra child is able to get along with people of all ages. However, this can be a very demanding and lazy child who will need to be pushed into action.

Here are positive and negative traits of a Libra child:

Positive Traits of a Libra Child

  • This is a kind and concerned who will often go out of his or her way to help other children.
  • Essentially a caring individual, the Libra child is not destructive by nature. He or she is imaginative and clever...frequently coming up with some truly amazing ideas.
  • The Libra child possesses natural inventiveness and much originality, sometimes resulting in the utterance of the most unexpected thoughts...thoughts which should be listened to with loving attention.
  • Although often regarded as a lazy Sign, this is not altogether a fair statement. While the Libra child dislikes mess and is somewhat "refined" in activities (no mud pies to be made here), he or she does have plenty of physical energy when offered the opportunity to use it in a creative fashion.
  • By nature accommodating and happy, the Libra child wants to be liked.
Negative Traits of a Libra Child

  • It should be noted that children governed by Libra are inclined to bear grudges considerably more than those ruled by other Signs of the Zodiac.
  • The inherent winning ways and laid back style will make this little one popular, but self-esteem is liable to fluctuate and there is also a stubborn streak here.
  • When faced with a problem, little Libra often buries his or her head in the sand, hoping it will go away rather than seeking out help to deal with it.
  • This child also possesses a sense of justice and will probably feel bad if he or she believes any siblings have not been treated fairly. Yet, at the same time, this is a child who will become even more upset if he or she does not get enough attention.
In general, Libra children are quite healthy little souls but there may be trouble throughout life involving the kidneys, so this area of their well-being does need to be carefully watched.

Of course, as this little one grows, the personality will develop, but many childhood traits will develop into similar ones of a more adult nature. There will always be an aversion to being alone, for example, which could result in an "any relationship is better than none" attitude.

As this child matures, it will be important for he or she to make sure that the inherent generosity is being bestowed for the right reasons and not simply to buy affection. A solid routine helps to build a disciplined character in the early years of Libra children and they tend to marry while in their twenties.

LIBRA CHILD main web page

Monday, June 20, 2011

Positive and Negative aspects of Libra Woman and Capricorn Man

The fact is; Libra woman and Capricorn man match can make for a good couple provided they can uncover their sometimes difficult-to-find similarities. On the surface, these two could not be more different. Capricorn man tends to be quiet and unassuming, while Libra woman is prone to being a social who delights in vesting with other people.

Natives of Capricorn are concerned with hard work as a means toward career advancement and recognition, whereas Libra is concerned with beauty, art and balance in life and relationships. However, there is a meeting point here, provided each is coming from a base of mutual love and respect...but they must be prepared to work in order to find their common ground.

Here are positive and negative aspects of Libra woman and Capricorn man union:

Positive Aspects of Libra Woman and Capricorn Man Relationships

  • Capricorn man tends to be an organized soul and in some instances, this may appeal to the Libra woman who could be taking a hiatus between hectic love affairs.
  • Libra woman makes for good hostesses, thus capable of entertaining those people that Capricorn man will be wooing in his rise to fortune in the career of choice. This trait will be greatly admired by the hardworking Capricorn man.
  • Perhaps the best aspect of a Libra woman and Capricorn man match is that each brings unique qualities to the union. Provided they can allow one another to be themselves.
  • Provided each partner understands the style of the other, the methods they employ can help them to achieve together when they could not attain alone.
Negative Aspects of Libra Woman and Capricorn Man Relationships

  • Libra woman rely upon intellect in life. Her sensibilities are attuned to aesthetics...a subject on which a true Libra woman always has a plethora of opinions. Those ruled by Capricorn also rely upon brain power, but of a different variety...they search for the pragmatic method in all they do and may not feel they have time to dabble in aesthetics.
  • Libra woman expects any mate to verbalize feelings of love. Indeed, she needs many declarations from a partner in order to believe it. Capricorn man is far from skilled in this area and eventually, he will be accused of not truly being in love...of being cold and hard-hearted.
  • Capricorn man’s attitude towards work will also be a bone of contention in this relationship since Libra woman will find it difficult to get the Capricorn mate's mind off his career and onto anything else. 
  • Indeed, Capricorn man’s way of life will make a Libra woman feel tied down and stifled, essentially craving the excitement of others in order to make life more enjoyable.

In essence, Libra woman and Capricorn man union will be a challenging combination, but one from which each can learn much if the effort can be maintained.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Positive and Negative aspect of Virgo Man Libra Woman Relationship

Looking at Virgo man Libra woman relationships, I will say; Libra woman probably epitomizes everything that Virgo man secretly admire...charming, romantic, dashing, popular and devil-may-care. Additionally, Libra woman is capable of evening things out when the Virgo partner fails to get his own way.

The truth is; when a woman governed by Libra turns on the charm, Virgo man becomes swept away in a romantic haze without ever being aware that the she has done this dozens of times to different love interests...often employing precisely the same words and actions.

Still, Virgo man will eventually come to realize that the majority of the appeal that oozes from Libra woman's every pore is very superficial and this will herald the beginning of the troubles. In order for this relationship to survive, the Virgo partner must learn to accept Libra's infidelities and somehow live with them.

Here are positive and negative aspects of Virgo man Libra woman union:

Positive Aspects of Virgo Man Libra Woman Relationships

  • Virgo man will appreciate Libra woman's charm and diplomacy. Also, Libra woman appreciates the Virgo man love of order and the tangible results that follow.
  • These two Signs appreciate superficial pleasures and may enjoy collecting such items as fine china, artwork or photographs.
  • They also share a love of the theater and all forms of art. Practicality and pleasure are important to natives of both Virgo and Libra...and they can complement one another in many ways.
  • Virgo man approach to physical intimacy is basically straight forward and the Libra woman's methods in the romantic arena could very well drive him or her crazy.
Negative Aspects of Virgo Man Libra Woman Relationships

  • Should critical Virgo man analyze Libra woman's inner personality too deeply, Libra woman is sure to become outraged, which will result in her beating a hasty retreat from the partnership.
  • The Libra partner is apt to perceive his or her Virgo mate's insistence on faithfulness as being essentially petty and narrow-minded.
  • Virgo men, who can find no logic in disruptive behavior, crave a quiet and calm home life. This will only be found with a more domestic type than Libra woman. Libra woman will want to stay involved in fights and arguments, but this is not something that peace-loving Virgo man is able to endure for very long.
In essence, Virgo man Libra woman relationship is a union that tends to bring unhappiness to both parties and success in terms of longevity is usually on shaky ground. However, one favorable aspect of this pairing is that both are willing...and see the differing sides of any argument. In short, both tend to make decisions only after examining the facts.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Positive and Negative Aspects of Libra Woman and Aquarius Man Relationship

The truth is; Libra woman and Aquarius man match results in a union that can serve to heighten and strengthen the consciousness of both Signs. This pair connects on a very high mental level. They share a love of art, people and culture. They also have a mutual aversion to restrictive influences in their lives.

Usually, this couple will get along well because they have such similar needs and do not require more of one another than each are willing to give. Here are positive and negative aspects of Libra woman and Aquarius man relationship:

Positive Aspects of Libra Woman and Aquarius Man Union

  • These are two energetic and enthusiastic souls and their relationship is unlikely to ever become stagnant. Both Libra and Aquarius are concerned with the betterment of the world and their fellow humans.
  • These are born balancers, possessed with a desire to avoid conflict and blessed with a love of intellectual freedom.
  • In past relationships, it is likely that physical intimacy did not mean much to the Aquarius partner but with Libra woman, that changes drastically and radically.
  • Libra woman is impulsive and will strive to show Aquarius man the joys of being spontaneous.
Negative Aspects of Libra Woman and Aquarius Man Union

  • Perhaps the chief stumbling block is that the opinions of others mean very little...if anything at natives of Aquarius and he will find it difficult to understand how Libra woman can be wounded by a cruel remark from someone else.
  • Indeed, in the eyes of the Aquarius mate, it is possible that he considers Libra woman to be somewhat overly sensitive.
  • Another major potential problem may be misunderstandings due to the Aquarius partner being somewhat unpredictable from time to time and, on occasions for no apparent reason, he may seek seclusion and refuse to communicate.

While there are some aspects of the two personalities that each will find irritating, this couple will find it easier than most Signs to reach a compromise. In short, Libra woman and Aquarius Man union is a very favorable relationship and one that is likely to last an extremely long time.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Positive and Negative Aspects of Libra Female Taurus Male Union

In some instances, Libra female Taurus male combination can be the unification of two halves of a whole. Both are looking for security in a relationship and they do share a love of art, poetry and culture. This is a partnership that may begin slowly since, on the surface, they might have few common interests.

Both Libra female and Taurus male in this combination will work to develop a higher mind and embrace all aspects of the art world. This alone should provide an excellent foundation for their relationship. Now, let’s look at the common positive and negative aspects of Libra female Taurus male relationship:

Positive aspects of Libra female Taurus male union

  • Pleasure...physical and a premium for Taurus male and Libra female alike.
  • Physical attraction will be strong in this strong that the pair can probably escape from some of the personality problems in the romantic arena.
  • Libra female can help Taurus male to see different sides of a given situation and the Taurus partner will be able to assist Libra partner in overcoming the notorious indecision associated with this Zodiac Sign.
  • Both partners are charming characters with a mutual desire for harmony in personal relationships.
Negative aspects of Libra female Taurus male union

  • It is inherent in the Taurus male’s nature to plan life, but Libra female will make no such commitment and this can result in violent abuse on both sides.
  • Libra female will probably aggravate Taurus male with her quick changes since Libra detests routine of any kind. For instance, female governed by Libra may throw themselves into work projects one week to such an extent that the existence of Taurus male will barely be noticed.
  • Both Taurus and Libra are prone to laziness and snobbery...Taurus male regarding possessions and Libra female based on intellect.
  • Libra female is possibly the worst kind of flirt, but only uses this trait as an ego-booster and nothing more. Still, the jealousy inherent in Taurus male would not be able to endure this type of behavior for very long.
Still, once Libra female and Taurus male come to understand each other, they may learn they have much more in common than was initially apparent.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

See Detailed Libra Woman Compatibility with other Zodiac Signs

Concerning Libra woman compatibility, I will say; Libra woman romantic and very much "partnership" oriented. She often fail to feel complete unless in a relationship. Thus, care must be taken not to fall into the trap of believing that any relationship is better than no relationship at all.

Here are details of Libra woman compatibility with the twelve Zodiac Signs:

Libra woman compatibility with Aries

Within the Zodiac Wheel, Libra and Aries are located directly opposite one another in polarity. Thus, each Sign possesses qualities that the other lacks. This, combined with Libra woman's desire for harmony, can result in a balanced relationship.

However, this state of affairs will not last long since the inherent Libra woman love of romance and tendency to wander will soon put the Aries partner in a combatant mood which, in turn, disgusts the harmony-loving Libra woman. This union is likely to be a shaky partnership at best.

Libra woman compatibility with Taurus

Libra woman and Taurus man are thought of as being karmic ally linked. Both are looking for security in a relationship and they do share a love of art, poetry and culture. However, this is a partnership that may begin slowly since, on the surface, they might have few common interests.

Still, once they come to understand each other, they may learn they have much more in common than was initially apparent.

Libra woman compatibility with Gemini

Libra woman and Gemini man affair is basically an enjoyable relationship rooted in intellectual interests and mental agility. The dual nature of Gemini adores Libra woman's balance and she cannot fail to be entertained by the chatty and brainy Gemini. Libra loves art and beauty while Gemini loves the beauty of an idea...but these loves are not too far from one another.

However, Libra woman is not domestically inclined and this could lead to some nagging on the part of the Gemini mate to share some of the burden in this area, resulting in a speedy exit from the relationship on the part of Libra woman.

Libra woman compatibility with Cancer

Libra woman and Cancer man combination can result in each giving to the other important things that each lacks. Basically these are both Signs that seek a secure and assured relationship...enjoying a shared appreciation for beauty and luxury, particularly in the domestic environment. If this pair chooses to work toward a common goal, then they can blend their energies in a harmonious fashion.

However, Cancer is probably not temperamentally suited to cope with freedom-loving Libra woman and this couple could ignore each other for days if they have a serious disagreement.

Libra woman compatibility with Leo

On the surface, the Libra woman and Leo partnership promises to be an agreeable one since these two Signs are situated apart in the Zodiac. There will be an understanding by both partners of the inner workings of the other and if Leo's unbounded energy can blend favorably with Libra woman's natural sense of harmony, the end result could be one of great balance.

Both Libra and Leo possess exceptionally warm characters, but the compatibility for a favorable union between these two simply seems to be lacking.

Libra woman compatibility with Virgo

Libra woman and Virgo male match can be akin to putting two puzzle pieces together if the relationship moves sufficiently smoothly. Here, each partner is capable of locking into the other to sit comfortably in place. Both Signs seek security in a union and they do share a mutual love of beauty and culture.

Although this is a match that may trickle along in the beginning, it can grow more intense if both parties can come to respect each other.

Libra woman compatibility with Libra man

Due to the fact that Libra individuals are by nature brimming with energy and tend to be over-demanding, this relationship could be rather exhausting for both parties. Without enough outside interests to keep them happy, this pair could become frustrated and neurotic with one another since neither likes to spend much time in the home.

Here, the physical attraction is almost overpowering and each will devote much creative thinking into conjuring ways that result in pleasurable intimacy for the other partner

Libra woman compatibility with Scorpio

The intense Scorpio avowal of love and flattery will undoubtedly be exceedingly attractive to the Libra native in the beginning of this relationship...and even the jealous possessiveness of Scorpio will initially be regarded by Libra as romantic...but it will not be long before the Libra partner starts to feel trapped and confined.

While both individuals here are endowed with a healthy appetite in the romantic arena, Scorpio tends to be all passion and somewhat animalistic in the approach to satisfaction.
Perhaps the best description of the Libra woman and Scorpio man relationship would fall into the love and hate category.

Libra woman compatibility with Sagittarius

The cheerful and pleasure-seeking Libra woman will be greatly drawn to such a happy-go-lucky character as Sagittarius. Additionally, this couple is just as likely to become great friends as they are sweethearts since Libra has a way of offering encouragement in furtherance of any wild scheme and idea, no matter how impractical such may actually be...and Sagittarius is sure to have an abundance of wild schemes on the burner.

Although those governed by Sagittarius like to claim they are far from the jealous type, with Libra for a partner that statement soon proves to be false.

Libra woman compatibility with Capricorn

Libra woman and Capricorn man match can make for a good couple provided they can uncover their sometimes difficult-to-find similarities. On the surface, these two could not be more different. Capricorn tends to be quiet and unassuming, while Libra is prone to being a social who delights in vesting with other people.

Libra woman makes for good host and hostess, thus capable of entertaining those people that Capricorn will be wooing in his rise to fortune in the career of choice. However, eventually, the Libra partner will begin to feel tied down and stifled, essentially craving the excitement of others in order to make life more enjoyable.

Libra woman compatibility with Aquarius

Libra/ woman and Aquarius match results in a union that can serve to heighten and strengthen the consciousness of both Signs. This pair connects on a very high mental level. They share a love of art, people and culture. They also have a mutual aversion to restrictive influences in their lives.

Indeed, Aquarius is the most progressive thinker of the Zodiac and its natives always have a new idea in the works. Libra is the Zodiac's diplomat and those it governs abhor any form of dispute. These are born balancers, possessed with a desire to avoid conflict and blessed with a love of intellectual freedom.

Libra woman compatibility with Pisces

Libra woman and Pisces man affair can be a congenial, smooth-sailing and even-tempered union since these two Signs are basically compatible. Here, each partner is attuned to life's aesthetic side, but they also have much to offer one another.

However, it is inherent in the Libra character to get along well with many different types of people but Pisces tends to be much more discriminating...and both partners will need to watch that if this relationship is to stand any chance of succeeding.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

SeeThe Chinese Symbol for Libra

Chinese symbol for Libra is associated with the earthly branch symbol ( ) represented by the Dog. The Dog ( ) is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar. The character refers to the actual animal while refers to the zodiac animal.

To better understand Chinese symbol for Libra, we have to look at principles behind Chinese astrology.

It is based on the traditional astronomy and calendars. It does not calculate the positions of the sun, moon and planets at the time of birth. The Chinese zodiac of twelve animal sign represents twelve different types of personality

The animal signs assigned by year represent what others perceive you as being or how you present yourself The combination of one's birth year, month, day and hour are a part of the 'four pillars' of Chinese astrology which determine one's fate.
According to Chinese zodiac, persons born within these date ranges for the zodiacal Dog bear the following elemental sign:
  • 1898 – 2 February 1899: Earth Dog
  • 10 February 1910 – 21 January 1911: Metal Dog
  • 28 January 1922 – 14 February 1923: Water Dog
  • 14 February 1934 – 25 January 1935: Wood Dog
  • 2 February 1946 – 21 January 1947: Fire Dog
  • 17 February 1958 – 8 February 1959: Earth Dog
  • 6 February 1970 – 26 January 1971: Metal Dog
  • 25 January 1982 – 12 February 1983: Water Dog
  • 10 February 1994 – 30 January 1995: Wood Dog
  • 29 January 2006 – 17 February 2007: Fire Dog
  • 16 February 2018 – 4 February 2019: Earth Dog
  • 2030 – 2031: Metal Dog

To sum it up, Chinese symbol for Libra (associated with the earthly branch symbol) is roughly equivalent to our western sign Libra.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

See Libra Woman Desires

Libra woman desires centers on the connection of the her world and her mind. In short, Libra woman prefer the "goodies"...the romantic gestures and the love notes. To this woman, love is an idealized vision, complete with setting, tone and atmosphere. Interludes that are rough or coarse will usually be distasteful to her and the more artistically pleasing and overtly romantic, the better.

The truth is; in her heart, every female governed by Libra truly desires affection above all else, closely followed by sympathy and interest. This is a woman who is forever seeking the ideal companion. Here are other notable Libra woman desires:

  • For a long-term commitment, Libra woman desire an adventurous and intelligent who is preferably fairly well off, but there is no aversion here to aiding a partner when it comes to accumulating the good things of life.
  • Although infinitely capable, this woman is somewhat adverse to manual labor...especially if it means getting "down and dirty." Indeed, the Libra female prefers to snuggle into a luxurious pile of cushions and summon assistance.
  • She prefer a partner who can surround her with beauty...lovely objects in good taste, beautiful thoughts, ideas and statements, glorious proposals and projects, for example.
  • There is a tendency here for the Libra woman to acquiesce to the desires of her family and enter a long term commitment with an individual of great potential rather than one she truly loves. Involvement with this woman should never be contemplated unless the potential partner is serious about the relationship.
  • In general, the physically intimate side of a relationship is not as important to this woman as it might first appear to be, although she is definitely a flirt and rather enjoys playing one admirer against another.
  • The Libra woman is also rather thrilled when a prospective mate likes, approves and gets along well with other persons that she holds dear. In fact, any potential partner must always be willing to share her Libra mate with other close ties if the relationship is to survive.
In essence, Libra woman is a soul who desires beauty and beautiful things. However, she can at times be too materialistic in her interpretation of beauty. There is hidden depth here, but most Libra women are fearful of plumbing too deep. They tend to skate on the surface...hovering and darting like the magnificent dragonfly.


See All Libra Dark Side Astrology

Perhaps Libra dark side astrology centers on desire to take the easiest road. This could lead to trouble, particularly given the inherent liking for the "bright lights." Although there is certainly no sin in being fond of luxury and beautiful things, there is a danger in loving them to the exclusion of all else.

But, within those governed by Libra resides a continual tug-of-war of which few others are aware...Libra persons find it exceedingly difficult to choose one philosophy and stay with it, or one set of moral values and keep to them.

Alternatively, Libra's major dark side challenges arise from hypersensitivity and a tendency to become anxious concerning the welfare of parents, children and close friends. They may react severely to a display of any form of combativeness and hostility...possibly going so far as to instantly flee from the presence of the perpetrator.

Yet another challenge is the propensity toward self-indulgence, which manifests as a compensation mechanism for the failure to obtain that which Libra individuals believe they should possess.

Here are summary of Libra dark side astrology:


The chief Libra dark side is trickery. Most Libra individuals are crafty, underhanded and ingenious when it comes to evil...though not prone to physical violence. They are experts in the field of diplomacy and possess the ability to contain a situation courtesy of charm, persuasion, flattery, coercion, negotiation or, if necessary, outright manipulation.


At its worst, Libra individual is an epitome of mean-spiritedness and will invariably harbor a grudge. Usually swift to express opinions and is exceedingly opinionated. Usually will not hesitate to verbally express anger, but physical violence is not generally a first choice in terms of an attack.


Always striving to please those around them, natives of this Sign have an insatiable appetite for flattery, which too often ends in disaster. It will also be necessary for Libra individuals to learn how to accept criticism, otherwise their sense of justice can become warped and they will argue themselves into accepting wrong as right, particularly when they yield to the wiles of those who would prey upon their sympathy rather than hearkening to the blunt words of true friends.


There is a propensity here for Libra natives to work themselves to the point of exhaustion, often attending to irrelevant details and side-issues instead of the main task in hand, and this will be something that requires careful watching.

Aversion to financial decisions

There is an unfortunate trend for those ruled by Libra to feel that comfort and luxury are theirs by divine right. These persons have an aversion to making financial decisions, usually because such is found to be somewhat tedious. Bills will be paid on time in one of two ways...sheer luck or with the aid of a responsible partner.

Susceptible to external influence

Very susceptible to being influenced by those who impress them, Libra individuals will imitate the manners of such persons and may even pick up on their traits. However, since everything associated with this Sign is related to balance, the susceptibility of Libra persons will be offset somewhat by a strong-mindedness that can become firm and unflinching in purpose.

Other Libra dark side astrology includes: Lack of Communication, Tendency to Gossip and Memory Problems.

Over and above cold reason, intuition is a better guide for Libra individuals, who experience difficulty anyway in putting their heads above their hearts when making a decision. This ability often enables them to ferret out deceit and insincerity, no matter how much it may be glossed over. However, if these natives prejudge a matter or listen to persons in whom they trust or sympathize, they can be carried far astray.

LIBRA DARK SIDE main web page