Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Facts about Libra Man Aries Woman Union

The truth is, Libra man Aries woman combination may be a great match. The warm and passionate Libra man will make a welcoming home for the fiery and impetuous Aries woman...particularly if both partners are on the same cultural and intellectual level. Aries will appreciate the passion and emotion of Libra, but too much of either could bring about destruction.

In short, Libra man Aries woman union is all about balance and if this can be achieved, the relationship could go a very long way. There is much physical attraction here...common to all Zodiac Signs that are opposite in polarity. In addition, the connection between these two is amazing when good and extremely challenging when bad.

Here are positive and negative aspects of Libra Man Aries woman relationships:

Positive Aspects of Libra man Aries Woman Relationships

  • Each is capable of bringing to the relationship what the other is missing and can make for a truly magnificent balance.
  • Within the Zodiac Wheel, Libra and Aries are located directly opposite one another in polarity. Thus, each Sign possesses qualities that the other lacks. This, combined with Libra man's natural desire for harmony, can result in a balanced relationship.
  • The harmony resulting from a combination of Venus and Mars can bring balance between self and other...a wonderful learning experience for both Signs.
  • The charming and cultured Libra partner can teach the brash Aries woman something about style. Libra man prizes harmony in a relationship and will go to great lengths in order to maintain tranquility. In return, the Aries partner will be very decisive and can teach the wavering Libra man how to rely on intuition for answers.
Negative Aspects of Libra Man Aries Woman Relationships

  • Libra is associated with partnerships while Aries is associated with self...and that is not the only difference. Aries is impulsive, excitable and eager to engage in new and exciting ventures. Libra is indecisive, peace-loving and prefers an approach which is calm and smooth.
  • Both partners will want to be in charge, but Aries is liable to use force and, on occasion, intimidation to get what he or she desires, whereas Libra will employ charm and, on occasion, manipulation.
  • Each partner here has much initiative, but is sadly lacking in follow-through abilities. They will tend to start things they are never going to finish...be it a job, project or relationship.
  • The impetuous and fast-paced approach to projects employed by Aries may conflict with Libra's more balanced and intellectual approach.

Libra man Aries woman union is likely to be a shaky partnership at best. Thus, compromise is essential to the health of this union.


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